Tag: austerity

  • Press review: Greece’s reform policy

    A press review

    The online newspaper "New Europe" reported about the reform policy in Greece and the debate about this topic in the European Parliament. Here you can watch the Speech of Fabio De Masi in the ebate about Greece. New Europe, 06.10.2016 "[...] In a similar vein, German MEP Fabio de Masi called for an immediate end to the destructive policies that have allowed, with impunity, the exploitation of Greek´s national wealth by banks and businesses ...
  • ECB should finance public investment not financial bubbles

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    GUE/NGL MEPs were adamant that the ECB needed to support more public investment during a debate in the European Parliament this evening in the presence of ECB President Mario Draghi and Commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis. MEPs were discussing the European Central Bank annual report for 2014. GUE/NGL MEP Fabio De Masi said: "The euro crisis drags on ...
  • 5 Presidents: Heading for crash

    Fabio De Masi on plans to reform the Euro

    Prior to the referendum on the Troika dictate, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, threatened the Greek people that an oxi (no) vote would be incompatible with Euro membership. Even the Portuguese president, Anibal Cavaco Silva, wanted to abolish democracy ...
  • What Europe wants for 2016?

    Politico asked Fabio De Masi for his New Year’s resolutions.

    Fabio de Masi, MEP, Germany, European United Left-Nordic Green Left “2015 was euro crisis, migration and terror. 2016 smells like more trouble. Bombs on Syria and dirty deals with Turkey will fail to combat terror, austerity will continue depression. The shortage of jobs, housing and schooling amid migration crisis may boost the Le Pens ...
  • Presseschau: TAXE II - Die Aufklärung geht weiter

    Die Süddeutsche Zeitung und The Parliament Magazine berichten über die Erneuerung des Mandats des Sonderausschuss "Steueroasen"

    Nach einigem Hin und Her in den letzten Wochen, wurde das Mandat des Sonderausschusses Steueroasen erneuert. Die Süddeutsche Zeitung berichtet über die Auseinandersetzungen über die Erneuerung des Mandats und die kommenden Herausforderungen für den Sonderausschuss. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 02.12.2015 "Nach wochenlangem Hin und Her haben sich die Fraktionsvorsitzenden im Europaparlament geeinigt: Der Lux-Leaks-Ausschuss geht in die Verlängerung ...
  • TAXE II: Investigations continue

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The Conference of Presidents (CoP) today adopted the mandate of the new Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Measures Similar in Nature or Effect ('TAXE II'). The new mandate entails all the main elements of the previous mandate. The first Special Committee, TAXE, had been set up to shed light on EU member states' sweetheart tax deals with multinational corporations ...
  • Further evidence of efforts to help multinationals avoid tax strengthen call for proper EU investigation

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    Over the weekend, German news magazine, Der Spiegel, reported that over many years EU member states such as Luxembourg and the Netherlands have sabotaged attempts to counter profit shifting to low tax jurisdictions via 'patent boxes' under the political leadership of current President of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, and Eurogroup President, Jeroen Dijsselbloem ...
  • Whistle-blower to receive Parliament's European Citizen's Award

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    Antoine Deltour, one of the whistle-blowers nominated by the GUE/NGL as candidate for the Sakharov Prize for freedom of expression, will be in the European Parliament in Brussels today and tomorrow to receive another award, the European Citizen's Prize. This prize, launched by the Parliament in 2008, recognises exceptional achievements by European people or organisations who have contributed in a remarkable way to European cooperation and the promotion of common values ...
  • Junckergate: When it becomes serious, you have to lie?

    Commission President allegedly makes false claims to GUE/NGL questions in TAXE committee

    The European Parliament's special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAXE) heard Commission President and former Luxembourg Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker on 17 September. Probed by GUE/NGL shadow rapporteur for TAXE's report, Fabio De Masi, he made several claims in relation to the so-called Krecké report which do not seem to withstand scrutiny ...
  • CNN-Interview: German politician claims Europe wants to topple Tsipras

    Fabio De Masi spricht im Interview über die Verhandlungsstrategie der Tsipras-Regierung, die politische Motivation in Brüssel und Berlin, einen Linksruck in Europa zu verhindern und die wirtschaftlichen Aussichten Griechenlands. Sehen Sie das Interview auf der Seite von CNN. Fabio De Masi talks about the strategy of Tsipras' administration, the political motives in Brussels and Berlin to curb a leftist wave in Europe and the economic perspectives of Greece ...
  • Current economic and monetary union likely to fail

    Opinion piece in the Parliament Magazine on current EMU's bad economics

    The EU's economic and monetary union (EMU) needs urgent reform. The choice is clear: fix it or citizens will nix it. The euro's skewed architecture, the unconditional bailout of insolvent banks, as well as austerity in response to the financial crisis, have taken things from bad to worse. Growth in the eurozone is particularly weak and millions of citizens have lost their jobs. A bold reform of the EMU needs to focus on smart public investment, balancing intra-European trade and taxing unproductive wealth.
  • Flawed Juncker Plan (EFSI) passes in European Parliament

    The European Parliament has today accepted the regulation on the creation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). Under the regulation, guarantees from the EU budget of EUR 16 billion (bn) and 5bn from the EIB should be leveraged to generate 315bn in total investment over 3 years. EFSI operations will be conducted by the EIB ...
  • Fabio De Masi, Xavier Sol

    "EIB: From bad banking to good banking"

    Fabio De Masi untersucht gemeinsam mit Xavier Sol von der NGO Counterbalance die Politik der Europäischen Investitionsbank in einem Artikel für euractiv.
  • Marisa Matias, Fabio De Masi

    Nothing new in proposed tax transparency package

    Pressemitteilung von Marisa Matias / Fabio De Masi

    GUE/NGL MEPs have expressed their dissatisfaction with the European Commission's 'tax transparency package' during a debate in the European Parliament this afternoon.
  • Fabio De Masi

    EU austerity programmes subsidising 'casino banks'

    Gastbeitrag von Fabio De Masi in The Parliament Magazine

    Fabio De Masi wrote an article for the "The Parliament Magazine" regarding the Capital Market Union (CMU). It was published on 18 March 2015 on the magazine's website.

    GUE/NGL slams #Luxleaks special committee stitch-up

    Pressemitteilung der Fraktion GUE/NGL im Europaparlament

    While a special committee on tax havens would not have been put in place without pressure from the GUE/NGL and Greens/EFA groups, GUE/NGL reiterates its condemnation of Parliament's refusal to open a committee with much greater powers to investigate corporate tax evasion and tax fraud scandals.

    Bond buying futile without real public investment

    Pressemitteilung der Fraktion GUE/NGL im Europaparlament

    The European Central Bank has today announced it will respond to Eurozone deflation by buying sovereign bonds on the secondary market. GUE/NGL MEPs on Parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee (ECON) have raised their concerns about this massive quantitative easing programme.
  • Fabio De Masi

    Investment Plan is voodoo and public guarantee for private profits

    Pressemitteilung von Fabio De Masi

    "Austerity killed investment. The only thing to reignite it is to bury austerity. Public investments, instead of Juncker's voodoo tricks, are what we need against the economic depression" states GUE/NGL MEP Fabio De Masi at the start of the European Council where heads of state and government are expected to give their go-ahead to Juncker's recently unveiled 'Investment Plan for Europe'.
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