Tag: LuxLeaks

  • Scandalous LuxLeaks whistleblower verdict upheld

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    LuxLeaks whistleblowers Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet have seen their conviction for theft upheld in today’s appeal court verdict. Deltour received a six month suspended prison sentence and a 1500€ fine and Halet a 1000€. The journalist Edouard Perrin was again acquitted of the charges brought against him by the prosecutor ...
  • Luxembourg court set to reveal verdict in whistleblowers’ trial tomorrow

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The verdicts on the trial of LuxLeaks whistleblowers and former PwC employees Antoine Deltour and Raphael Halet, as well as the journalist Edouard Perrin, are set to be handed down by the appeals court in Luxembourg tomorrow. Perrin, who was acquitted of all charges in June 2016, has had to stand trial again after the prosecution appealed against the original verdict ...
  • Press review: PANA Committee Meeting in Luxembourg

    A press review about the PANA Commitee Meeting in Luxembourg

    Luxemburger Wort, 03.03.2017 "[...] Wagner's colleague from the European Parliament and Vice-Chair of the PANA Committee Fabio De Masi (Die Linke) added: “Luxembourg is not the only tax swamp in the EU, but it is one of the central actors in the web of shell companies. “Luxembourg's government is continuing to block central transparency projects such as the public country-by-country reporting for companies ...
  • GUE/NGL MEPs stand in solidarity with LuxLeaks defendants ahead of trial

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    Ahead of the second LuxLeaks trial starting this afternoon in Luxembourg, a delegation from GUE/NGL group at the European Parliament will be outside the courthouse to show full solidarity with the two whistleblowers, Antoine Deltour and Raphaël Halet, and the journalist Edouard Perrin. Perrin was acquitted of all charges back in June 2016 whilst both Deltour and Halet were given suspended sentences ...
  • Press review: Raphael Halet - the silent man of LuxLeaks

    Politico reported about the LuxLeaks whistleblower Raphael Halet

    Politico, 12.08.2016 "For more than a year after he was charged in the so-called LuxLeaks trial, Raphael Halet was unable to defend himself. The former PricewaterhouseCoopers employee believed he was prohibited by contract from explaining why he had sent a journalist documents detailing the controversial tax practices of companies like Ikea, Amazon and Apple ...
  • Press review: Tax haven Malta

    Fabio De Masi about the tax haven Malta

    Malta Today, 13.09.2016 "[...] The vice-chair of the European Parliament's Panama Papers committee, Fabio de Masi, was categorical in his description of Malta as a tax haven. “I do think that Malta plays a significant role in aggressive tax planning as Malta's imputation tax ‘fits nicely' with artificial interest or royalty payments ...
  • Press review: appeal in the LuxLeaks case

    The online portal EUobserver reported on 05.08.2016 about the decision of Luxemburg prosecuters to file a general appeal against the three defendants Deltour, Halet and Perrin in the LuxLeaks trial. "[...] Fabio de Masi, a German MEP from the United Left, who helped spearhead an EU parliament inquiry into the scandal said Luxembourg's public prosecutor would be better off probing Marius Kohl, a high-ranking, now retired official in Luxembourg's tax agency, who helped broker the deals ...
  • GUE/NGL MEP slams LuxLeaks whistleblower verdict as shameful

    A court in Luxembourg has found former PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) employees Antoine Deltour and Raphaël Halet guilty of theft and breaches of confidentiality after leaking secretive tax documents that triggered the Luxembourg Leaks.    The two whistleblowers have been given 12 and nine-month suspended sentences respectively ...
  • "Lux Leaks-Trial" against Antoine Deltour, Edouard Perrin and Raphaël Halet

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    Member of European Parliament Fabio De Masi (DIE LINKE.) who had been witness for the defence of Anotoine Deltour, together with the Member of Luxemburg Parliament, David Wagner (Déi Lénk) will be present on Wednesday 29. June 15h in Luxemburg. There will take place the rendition of judgement against “LuxLeaks Whistleblower” Deltour, against another PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) employee, Raphaël Halet, as well as against the journalist Edouard Perrin ...
  • TAX2 final report: Work in progress

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The European Parliament’s special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAX2), which has been set up following pressure by the Left and Green groups in the aftermath of the Luxembourg Leaks, will vote on its final report tonight. GUE/NGL coordinator Fabio De Masi comments:   “The report incorporates many of our key demands ...
  • LuxLeaks: Left supports Antoine Deltour and Edouard Perrin

    A press release of Fabio De Masi and David Wagner (déi Lénk)

    On Tuesday, 26 April 2016, Fabio De Masi, GUE/NGL coordinator in the European Parliament's special TAXE committee on tax avoidance, created after the LuxLeaks scandal, will be attending the opening court session of the trial against the sources behind LuxLeaks. He will subsequently address the public at a joint press conference with David Wagner and will also speak at a public panel debate organised by the official solidarity campaign for Deltour and Perrin on Monday 25 April ...
  • Freigabe von geheimen Steuer-Dokumenten

    Die Juncker-Kommission kündigt an, bisher geheimgehaltenen Steuer-Dokumente freizugeben

    Nach monatelangem Gezerre hat die Europäische Kommission nun angekündigt, die bisher geheimen Dokumente der Ratsarbeitsgruppe Unternehmensbesteuerung ("Code of Conduct Group") zu den Steuerpraktiken der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten freizugeben. Im Vorfeld dieser Ankündigung hatte Fabio De Masi eine Klage gegen die Europäische Kommission vor dem Gericht der Europäischen Union erhoben (klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen) ...
  • Presseschau zum EU-Steuerpaket: Vom Tiger zum Bettvorleger!

    Verschiedene nationale und internationale Medien, darunter die Financial Times berichten über das EU-Steuerpaket

    Das Steuerpaket der EU Kommission startete als Tiger und landet nun als Bettvorleger. Steuerschlupflöcher bleiben weiter offen und die‪ ‎Steueroasen‬ in der EU blühen weiter... Kein Wunder. Der EU-Kommissionspräsident heißt Jean Claude Juncker. Hier eine kleine Presseschau zum Steuerpaket der EU-Kommission ...
  • GUE/NGL MEPs dismiss European Commission's corporate tax package as business as usual

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    During the debate in the European Parliament following the release of the European Commission's corporate tax package, GUE/NGL MEPs have criticised the package as not ambitious enough and ineffective. GUE/NGL coordinator for the TAXE committee, Fabio De Masi, responded to the Commission's package: "Here we see business as usual ...
  • Presseschau: LINKE klagt gegen Juncker-Kommission

    Eine kleine Presseschau

    Fabio De Masi klagt in erster Instanz vor dem Gericht der Europäischen Union um die Veröffentlichung von zentralen Dokumenten aus der Ratsarbeitsgruppe Unternehmensbesteuerung (Code of Conduct Group) zu erwirken. Ein Rechtsgutachten des Völker- und Europarechtler Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer-Lescano und Nele Austermann (Universität Bremen) kam zum Schluss, dass die Weigerung der EU-Kommission, die Dokumente zu veröffentlichen, gegen EU-Recht verstößt ...
  • Presseschau: TAXE II - Die Aufklärung geht weiter

    Die Süddeutsche Zeitung und The Parliament Magazine berichten über die Erneuerung des Mandats des Sonderausschuss "Steueroasen"

    Nach einigem Hin und Her in den letzten Wochen, wurde das Mandat des Sonderausschusses Steueroasen erneuert. Die Süddeutsche Zeitung berichtet über die Auseinandersetzungen über die Erneuerung des Mandats und die kommenden Herausforderungen für den Sonderausschuss. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 02.12.2015 "Nach wochenlangem Hin und Her haben sich die Fraktionsvorsitzenden im Europaparlament geeinigt: Der Lux-Leaks-Ausschuss geht in die Verlängerung ...
  • Presseschau: Die faulen Tricks der Steuerpaten

    Deutsche und internationale Tageszeitungen berichten über die Abstimmung des Berichts des Sonderausschuss Steueroasen

    SPIEGEL Online 26.11.2015 "[...] In der Linken-Fraktion herrscht ebenfalls Verärgerung über die neue Entwicklung. "Taxe"-Mitglied Fabio de Masi bezeichnete die Abstimmung am Mittwoch als "Farce". "Jeder Dorfpolizist weiß: Man muss erst alle Beweise sichten und Täter beim Namen nennen, bevor man einen Ermittlungsbericht schließt ...
  • Presseschau: Debatte zum Bericht des Sonderausschusses Steueroasen

    Ein Jahr nach den Lux Leaks-Enthüllungen debattiert das Europaparlament über einen bericht des Sonderausschusses Steueroasen (TAXE)

    The Idependent 24.11.2015 “[...] President Juncker did not tell the truth in parliament, and defended taxation practices,” Confederal Group of the EU left – Nordic Green Left MEP Fabio Demasi said. Harmonisation of taxes was a bone of contention for a number of MEPs, some arguing that the single market cannot function properly without being truly single, and other stating that taxation is a matter of national sovereignty and that freedom should not be limited ...
  • Presseschau: Google, Facebook & Co vor dem LuxLeaks-Ausschuss

    Die Presse berichtet über die Forderung das Mandat des Sonderausschusses "Steueroasen" zu verlängern

    Die Linksfraktion im Europaparlament fordert seit Monaten das Mandat des Sonderausschusses "Steueroasen" (TAXE) zu verlängern um eine umfassende Aufklärung zu ermöglichen. In mehreren Pressemitteilungen wie zuletzt in der gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung zusammen mit Michael Theurer und Sven Giegold forderte Fabio De Masi eine Weiterführung des Sonderausschusses ...
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