Tag: Taxes

  • Commission proposals on CCCTB fall short of expectation

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The European Commission has launched controversial new proposals on corporate tax which not only aim to harmonise the tax base across the EU but also to prevent multinationals from negotiating secretive tax arrangements. Under the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB), there will be a single set of rules to calculate companies' taxable profits within the EU ...
  • The role of Malta in the Panama-scandal

    Malta Today berichtet über die Rolle Maltas im Panama-Skandal

    Malta Today, 25.10.2016 "In a week that saw Italian channel RAI 3’s Report once again putting the focus on Malta’s role in the Panama Papers scandal as the country gets ready to take on the EU presidency, critical voices from inside the European Parliament – like German left-wing MEP Fabio de Masi – have been given some deserved attention in the press ...
  • Video

    Cheque mate? EU's fight with US corporate giants

    Euranet-Video with Fabio De Masi

    Is Europe locked in a low-grade trade war with the United States? A series of decisions by EU Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, including a 13 billion euros fine of Apple for its Irish tax arrangements, have given this impression.
  • Swiss WikiLeaks trial: Fabio De Masi supports Ruedi Elmer

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    "Ruedi deserves to be lauded for his service to society, but instead continues to face prosecution. He needs to be acquitted. In times of LuxLeaks and Panama Papers, his prosecution will surely also evoke an international reaction", comments Fabio De Masi (Member of the European Parliament, DIE LINKE ...
  • TAX2 final report: Work in progress

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The European Parliament’s special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAX2), which has been set up following pressure by the Left and Green groups in the aftermath of the Luxembourg Leaks, will vote on its final report tonight. GUE/NGL coordinator Fabio De Masi comments:   “The report incorporates many of our key demands ...
  • TAX2 delegation to tax haven USA

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    GUE/NGL coordinator in the special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAX2), Fabio De Masi, is taking part in a delegation to Washington D.C. this week. MEPs will meet counterparts from the US Congress, the Justice and Finance Ministries, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank as well as the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and tax justice NGOs ...
  • LuxLeaks: Left supports Antoine Deltour and Edouard Perrin

    A press release of Fabio De Masi and David Wagner (déi Lénk)

    On Tuesday, 26 April 2016, Fabio De Masi, GUE/NGL coordinator in the European Parliament's special TAXE committee on tax avoidance, created after the LuxLeaks scandal, will be attending the opening court session of the trial against the sources behind LuxLeaks. He will subsequently address the public at a joint press conference with David Wagner and will also speak at a public panel debate organised by the official solidarity campaign for Deltour and Perrin on Monday 25 April ...
  • Video

    MEPs warn of ‘Panama scapegoat’

    EU lawmakers doubt that an EU black list, on which the Commission is working, might be a game changer to tackle tax dodging. Bank activities should be better controlled as well as the role played by the EU member states such as the UK, Germany and still Luxembourg. The members of European Parliament ...
  • Panama Papers: It's so easy - and scandalous

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    "It's so easy for the rich and powerful - politicians and (other) criminals - to hide and launder their money through tax havens like Panama and the British Virgin Islands (BVI). It is a scandal that the EU and Member States still have not put an end to this massive tax cheat. Riding on the austerity wave into economic depression while letting the rich get away with this tax scam undermines our democracy ...
  • Großkonzerne müssen vor Sonderausschuss

    Eine kleine Presseschau zur Anhörung multinationaler Großkonzerne vor dem Sonderausschuss Steueroasen

    Der Sonderausschuss Steueroasen (TAXE II) im Europäischen Parlament hat für die Aufklärung von Steuerdumping in der EU zahlreiche Großkonzerne wie Starbucks oder McDonalds zu Anhörung vorgeladen. Dort müssen sie zu ihren Steuerpraktiken in der EU die Fragen der Abgeordneten beantworten. Mehr zu den Steuerpraktiken der großen mulitnationalen Konzerne finden Sie in unserer Steuerbroschüre, die Sie als PDF herunterladen oder kostenfrei bestellen können ...
  • Special committee TAX2: still no real transparency

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The coordinators of the TAX2 committee discussed on Monday evening the conditions for access to documents with the European Commission as well as the committee's work plan. GUE/NGL coordinator Fabio De Masi, jointly with Greens/EFA coordinator Sven Giegold, had written to the TAX2 chair ahead of the meeting (see letter and detailed annex) outlining the significant remaining discrepancies between the Commission's promises and what the committee has had access to in reality ...
  • Trotz Transparenzversprechen: EU-Steueroasen blockieren im Rat

    Das Handelsblatt berichtet über das halbherzige Vorgehen der EU gegen Steueroasen

    Im Handelsblatt berichtet Ruth Berschens über geheime Protokolle der Ratsarbeitsgruppe Verhaltenskodex, die zeigen wie halbherzige die EU gegen Steueroasen und Lücken im Unternehmenssteuerrecht vorgeht. Vor allem die europäischen Steueroasen wie die Niederlande, Irland oder Luxemburg blockieren ein Schließen von Steuerlücken in der EU ...
  • Freigabe von geheimen Steuer-Dokumenten

    Die Juncker-Kommission kündigt an, bisher geheimgehaltenen Steuer-Dokumente freizugeben

    Nach monatelangem Gezerre hat die Europäische Kommission nun angekündigt, die bisher geheimen Dokumente der Ratsarbeitsgruppe Unternehmensbesteuerung ("Code of Conduct Group") zu den Steuerpraktiken der EU-Mitgliedsstaaten freizugeben. Im Vorfeld dieser Ankündigung hatte Fabio De Masi eine Klage gegen die Europäische Kommission vor dem Gericht der Europäischen Union erhoben (klicken Sie hier für mehr Informationen) ...
  • Presseschau zum EU-Steuerpaket: Vom Tiger zum Bettvorleger!

    Verschiedene nationale und internationale Medien, darunter die Financial Times berichten über das EU-Steuerpaket

    Das Steuerpaket der EU Kommission startete als Tiger und landet nun als Bettvorleger. Steuerschlupflöcher bleiben weiter offen und die‪ ‎Steueroasen‬ in der EU blühen weiter... Kein Wunder. Der EU-Kommissionspräsident heißt Jean Claude Juncker. Hier eine kleine Presseschau zum Steuerpaket der EU-Kommission ...
  • GUE/NGL MEPs dismiss European Commission's corporate tax package as business as usual

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    During the debate in the European Parliament following the release of the European Commission's corporate tax package, GUE/NGL MEPs have criticised the package as not ambitious enough and ineffective. GUE/NGL coordinator for the TAXE committee, Fabio De Masi, responded to the Commission's package: "Here we see business as usual ...
  • Presseschau: LINKE klagt gegen Juncker-Kommission

    Eine kleine Presseschau

    Fabio De Masi klagt in erster Instanz vor dem Gericht der Europäischen Union um die Veröffentlichung von zentralen Dokumenten aus der Ratsarbeitsgruppe Unternehmensbesteuerung (Code of Conduct Group) zu erwirken. Ein Rechtsgutachten des Völker- und Europarechtler Prof. Dr. Andreas Fischer-Lescano und Nele Austermann (Universität Bremen) kam zum Schluss, dass die Weigerung der EU-Kommission, die Dokumente zu veröffentlichen, gegen EU-Recht verstößt ...
  • Commission tax package: still shifting profits, not a real solution

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The European Commission today published its anti-tax avoidance package containing several elements to fight base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), exchange country-by-country reports between member state tax administrations and work towards a common EU position on tax havens.   GUE/NGL coordinator for the TAXE committee, Fabio De Masi, comments: "The European Commission cannot claim to lead the international fight against corporate tax dodging ...
  • TAXE: GUE/NGL member sues European Commission over document access

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    A legal study commissioned by GUE/NGL finds that the European Commission violated EU law when not disclosing documents, such as its minutes of the European Council's Codeof Conduct Group on business taxation, and by imposing restrictions on MEPs' access to documents. The study (see document below) ...
  • TAXE: Time for action

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The European Parliament's special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAXE) will hold the constitutive meeting of its second leg today in Strasbourg. Later this morning, TAXE coordinators will start discussing the work plan and roadmap for TAXE2.   GUE/NGL TAXE coordinator Fabio De Masi comments: "Time is up for weak compromises ...