The role of Malta in the Panama-scandal

Malta Today berichtet über die Rolle Maltas im Panama-Skandal

Oct 26th, 2016

Malta Today, 24.11.2016

"[...] The PANA committee’s vice-chair, Fabio de Masi, a German MEP from the European Left, said the European Council’s attitude towards the Panama Papers was scandalous

“The ministers’ show of zero cooperation with the Parliament reflects the dire state of democracy in the EU where government officials decide behind closed doors and a critical debate is shut out. We will keep pushing for a full investigation of the Panama Papers scandal, including member states’ own dirty laundry.

“If the Council continues to infringe on the Parliament’s treaty-based rights to inquiry, we need to look into legal steps as we did for access to documents under the LuxLeaks committee. It is equally lamentable that the EP itself has not authorised a much needed inquiry mission to Malta yet. There would be enough to talk about besides the country’s role as upcoming Council presidency. For instance why the Maltese government is still actively involved in slowing down progress on new rules for corporate transparency or against money-laundering in Council working groups.” [...]"

The article was published in Malta Today.

Malta Today, 25.10.2016

"In a week that saw Italian channel RAI 3’s Report once again putting the focus on Malta’s role in the Panama Papers scandal as the country gets ready to take on the EU presidency, critical voices from inside the European Parliament – like German left-wing MEP Fabio de Masi – have been given some deserved attention in the press. These are voices which are uninterested in the partisan bluster that is connected to Panamagate: in their minds, Malta is not just host to a minister who was caught opening an offshore company in Panama, but also the land of the Individual Investor Programme and where tax rebates allow foreign companies to pay almost just 5% tax. [...]"

The article "Panama Papers: More than just offshore" is available at