Tag: Article

  • 5 Presidents: Heading for crash

    Fabio De Masi on plans to reform the Euro

    Prior to the referendum on the Troika dictate, President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and President of the European Parliament, Martin Schulz, threatened the Greek people that an oxi (no) vote would be incompatible with Euro membership. Even the Portuguese president, Anibal Cavaco Silva, wanted to abolish democracy ...
  • Fabio De Masi

    EU austerity programmes subsidising 'casino banks'

    Gastbeitrag von Fabio De Masi in The Parliament Magazine

    Fabio De Masi wrote an article for the "The Parliament Magazine" regarding the Capital Market Union (CMU). It was published on 18 March 2015 on the magazine's website.
  • Fabio De Masi

    Commission urged to drop ‘backroom’ TTIP deal

    Gastbeitrag von Fabio De Masi in The Parliament Magazine

    The European commission wants to strike the biggest rade deal in history with the US: the transatlantic trade and investment partnership (TTIP). The commission hails TTIP as an engine for growth and jobs. However, many citizens are worried that TTIP undermines financial regulation, consumer protection, environmental standards, labour laws and threatens public ownership of critical infrastructure. TTIP is not so much about removal of already low tariffs between the EU and the US. The main focus is “non-tariff barriers to trade”.