Tag: Tax

  • TAXE: Time for action

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The European Parliament's special committee on tax rulings and other measures similar in nature or effect (TAXE) will hold the constitutive meeting of its second leg today in Strasbourg. Later this morning, TAXE coordinators will start discussing the work plan and roadmap for TAXE2.   GUE/NGL TAXE coordinator Fabio De Masi comments: "Time is up for weak compromises ...
  • Presseschau: TAXE II - Die Aufklärung geht weiter

    Die Süddeutsche Zeitung und The Parliament Magazine berichten über die Erneuerung des Mandats des Sonderausschuss "Steueroasen"

    Nach einigem Hin und Her in den letzten Wochen, wurde das Mandat des Sonderausschusses Steueroasen erneuert. Die Süddeutsche Zeitung berichtet über die Auseinandersetzungen über die Erneuerung des Mandats und die kommenden Herausforderungen für den Sonderausschuss. Süddeutsche Zeitung, 02.12.2015 "Nach wochenlangem Hin und Her haben sich die Fraktionsvorsitzenden im Europaparlament geeinigt: Der Lux-Leaks-Ausschuss geht in die Verlängerung ...
  • TAXE II: Investigations continue

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The Conference of Presidents (CoP) today adopted the mandate of the new Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Measures Similar in Nature or Effect ('TAXE II'). The new mandate entails all the main elements of the previous mandate. The first Special Committee, TAXE, had been set up to shed light on EU member states' sweetheart tax deals with multinational corporations ...
  • Presseschau: Die faulen Tricks der Steuerpaten

    Deutsche und internationale Tageszeitungen berichten über die Abstimmung des Berichts des Sonderausschuss Steueroasen

    SPIEGEL Online 26.11.2015 "[...] In der Linken-Fraktion herrscht ebenfalls Verärgerung über die neue Entwicklung. "Taxe"-Mitglied Fabio de Masi bezeichnete die Abstimmung am Mittwoch als "Farce". "Jeder Dorfpolizist weiß: Man muss erst alle Beweise sichten und Täter beim Namen nennen, bevor man einen Ermittlungsbericht schließt ...
  • Presseschau: Debatte zum Bericht des Sonderausschusses Steueroasen

    Ein Jahr nach den Lux Leaks-Enthüllungen debattiert das Europaparlament über einen bericht des Sonderausschusses Steueroasen (TAXE)

    The Idependent 24.11.2015 “[...] President Juncker did not tell the truth in parliament, and defended taxation practices,” Confederal Group of the EU left – Nordic Green Left MEP Fabio Demasi said. Harmonisation of taxes was a bone of contention for a number of MEPs, some arguing that the single market cannot function properly without being truly single, and other stating that taxation is a matter of national sovereignty and that freedom should not be limited ...
  • Work of TAXE committee unfinished; political responsibilities need to be determined

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    Speaking during the European Parliament debate on the TAXE committee's report at the end of its one-year mandate, GUE/NGL MEPs stressed that the work of the committee was clearly not finished and needs to be extended, and those who were in positions of responsibility when fraudulent tax arrangements were set up had to be taken to task ...
  • One year after Lux Leaks: TAXE committee still in limbo

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The Conference of Presidents today postponed a decision to prolong the mandate of the European Parliament's Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Measures Similar in Nature or Effect (TAXE) which was set up to shed light on EU member states' sweetheart tax deals with multinational corporations.   GUE/NGL's TAXE shadow rapporteur Fabio De Masi comments: "The EPP and S&D are playing games behind closed doors again ...
  • Presseschau: Google, Facebook & Co vor dem LuxLeaks-Ausschuss

    Die Presse berichtet über die Forderung das Mandat des Sonderausschusses "Steueroasen" zu verlängern

    Die Linksfraktion im Europaparlament fordert seit Monaten das Mandat des Sonderausschusses "Steueroasen" (TAXE) zu verlängern um eine umfassende Aufklärung zu ermöglichen. In mehreren Pressemitteilungen wie zuletzt in der gemeinsamen Pressemitteilung zusammen mit Michael Theurer und Sven Giegold forderte Fabio De Masi eine Weiterführung des Sonderausschusses ...
  • Special committee extension pushed by Green-Liberal-GUE coalition

    On Monday, a decision on whether or not to propose the extension of the mandate of the European Parliament's special committee investigating tax issues will be taken by the coordinators of the political groups. If the coordinators support the proposal, the conference of presidents of the political groups will consider the proposal at their meeting on Thursday ...
  • Special committee extension pushed by Green-Liberal-GUE coalition

    A press release of Fabio De Masi, Sven Giegold and Michael Theurer

    On Monday, a decision on whether or not to propose the extension of the mandate of the European Parliament's special committee investigating tax issues will be taken by the coordinators of the political groups. If the coordinators support the proposal, the conference of presidents of the political groups will consider the proposal at their meeting on Thursday ...
  • Combatting the root causes for tax avoidance and tax dodging

    Joint Presse Release by Sahra Wagenknecht (parliamentary chairman of DIE LINKE in the Bundestag), Fabio De Masi (MEP for DIE LINKE) and Stéphanie Gibaud, whistleblower and finance expert

    Followed by an informal meeting, in which the French finance expert and whistleblower Stéphanie Gibaud reported about systematic assistance of big banks to tax dodging and the Member of the European Parliament, Fabio De Masi, informed about the recent developments in the European Parliament's special ...
  • Video

    Steuervideo von Transparency International

    Was wissen wir eigentlich über die Steuertricks der internationalen Konzerne? Ein erklärendes Video von Transparency International EU

    Ein Jahr nach den Lux Leaks-Enthüllungen sind die Steuerpraktiken der internationalen Konzerne in der EU noch nicht aufgedeckt. Vielmehr scheinen die Enthüllungen nur die Spitze der Eisberges zu sein. Immer noch sind die Strukturen und Aktivitäten vieler internationaler Konzerne sehr undurchsichtig ...
  • Further evidence of efforts to help multinationals avoid tax strengthen call for proper EU investigation

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    Over the weekend, German news magazine, Der Spiegel, reported that over many years EU member states such as Luxembourg and the Netherlands have sabotaged attempts to counter profit shifting to low tax jurisdictions via 'patent boxes' under the political leadership of current President of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker, and Eurogroup President, Jeroen Dijsselbloem ...
  • Presseschau: Blockierter Zugang zu wichtigen Dokumenten

    Der Guardian berichtet über die Zugangsblockade mehrerer Staaten zu wichtigen Dokumenten im Steuerskandal

    Neben Luxemburg, den Niederlanden und zehn weiteren Mitgliedsländern der EU blockiert nun auch Großbritannien den Zugang  zu wichtigen Dokumenten und Protokollen der Ratsarbeitsgruppe zum Verhaltenskodex "Unternehmensbesteuerung" für die Mitglieder des Europäischen Parlaments. Die Arbeitsgruppe tagt seit 1998 und eine Einsicht in ihre Dokumente ist von großer Bedeutung für die Arbeit des EP-Sonderausschuss "Steueroasen" (TAXE) ...
  • Proposed tax measures are not enough to address the tax abuses of multinational companies

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    During tonight's joint debate on taxation, GUE/NGL MEPs have called for further scrutiny of financial information is still required. GUE/NGL Shadow Rapporteur on the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Marisa Matias, told the Parliament: "The abuses of multinational companies lead to a loss of taxes in the order of 50 to 70 billion euros ...
  • TAXE Report: Mandate of special committee not fulfilled

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The six GUE/NGL members of the European Parliament's Special Committee on Tax Rulings and similar measures in nature or effect (TAXE) will abstain in today's vote in the committee on the final report and deliver a minority opinion as they see the mandate of TAXE not fulfilled and call for its prolongation ...
  • The Special Committee on Tax Havens (TAXE): A soap opera starring Ikea and Co.

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    The European Parliament's Special Committee on Tax Rulings and Other Measures Similar in Nature of Effect (TAXE) is currently debating the refusal of some major corporations to cooperate with their Luxleaks investigations. Those corporations have been re-invited for a TAXE hearing on the 16th of November ...
  • Presseschau: Illegale Steuerdeals mit Starbucks und Fiat

    Stern, ND und andere Medien berichten über das Ergebnis des Beihilfeverfahren gegen Luxemburg und die Niederlande

    Die Medien berichten über das Ergebnis des Beihilfeverfahren gegen Luxemburg und die Niederlande. Die EU-Kommission hatte Strafzahlungen gegen die Konzerne Fiat und Starbucks beschlossen. Die Pressemitteilung von Fabio De Masi zum Ergebnis des Beihilfeverfahren finden Sie hier. Stern.de 21.10.2015 "[ ...
  • Whistle-blower to receive Parliament's European Citizen's Award

    A press release of Fabio De Masi

    Antoine Deltour, one of the whistle-blowers nominated by the GUE/NGL as candidate for the Sakharov Prize for freedom of expression, will be in the European Parliament in Brussels today and tomorrow to receive another award, the European Citizen's Prize. This prize, launched by the Parliament in 2008, recognises exceptional achievements by European people or organisations who have contributed in a remarkable way to European cooperation and the promotion of common values ...
  • Article: A tax haven called Europe

    Opinion article by Fabio De Masi in The Parliament Magazine

    Fabio De Masi wrote an opinion article for The Parliament Magazine on the EU's failure to halt corporate tax avoidance. It was published online on 08 October 2015 and is quoted in the October print edition.