16.11.2016 Nobel Prize winner calls for immediate halt to tax havens A press release of Fabio De Masi
15.11.2016 Invitation to the panel event on tax justice featuring Nobel Prize winner Joseph Stiglitz A press release of Fabio De Masi
10.11.2016 ECB justifies including Deutsche Bank China sale in stress tests Financial Times reported about the Deutsche Bank stress test
26.10.2016 The role of Malta in the Panama-scandal Malta Today berichtet über die Rolle Maltas im Panama-Skandal
24.10.2016 Free trade fears As progressive MEPs continue to campaign against TTIP and CETA, MEP Fabio De Masi speaks to Portal to outline opposition to the trade deals.
Video 18.10.2016 Fabio De Masi: “Should US be included on blacklist?”. Fabio De Masi ask Michael Lennard in the PANA committee
12.10.2016 Press review: Petitions to Barroso and ex-Commissioners’ links to businesses A press review about the Petition with more than 200.000 signatures
12.10.2016 Petitions with over 200,000 signatures to be presented today over Barroso and ex-Commissioners’ links to businesses A press release of Fabio De Masi
06.10.2016 Presseschau: Yahoo späht Millionen E-Mails aus Eine kleine Presseschau zu den Vorwürfen, dass Yahoo sensible E-Maildaten an US-Behörden weitergegeben haben soll
06.10.2016 GUE/NGL requests statement by the European Commission on Deutsche Bank A press release of Fabio De Masi
04.10.2016 Press review: Deutsche Bank in crisis Politico about the problems of the dangerous bank of the world
27.09.2016 PANA hearing: ICIJ journalists echo our demands The European Parliament's Committee of Inquiry into the Panama Papers (PANA) has held its first full hearing today with a number of ICIJ journalists. PANA vice-president Fabio De Masi (DIE LINKE.) comments after the exchange of views:
22.09.2016 Interview about TTIP & CETA As progressive MEPs continue to campaign against TTIP and CETA, MEP Fabio De Masi speaks to PEN to outline opposition to the trade deals