Financial Times: German Social Democrats pick Olaf Scholz to run for chancellor

Eine Presseschau mit Fabio De Masi (Englisch)


Financial Times: German Social Democrats pick Olaf Scholz to run for chancellor


"Germany’s Social Democrats have named finance minister Olaf Scholz as their candidate for chancellor in next year’s federal elections, a move widely expected yet controversial inside the party. (...)
Some Die Linke politicians remain wary of Mr Scholz’s selection and a potential alliance with the SPD with him at the helm. “We will measure him against his willingness to break reliably with the CDU. However, I doubt he will be able to lift the SPD out of crisis mode,” said Fabio De Masi, an MP for Die Linke on the Bundestag finance committee, which recently questioned Mr Scholz over the Wirecard scandal in a closed-door session.  Mr de Massi also said his party “will not tone down our criticism in the Wirecard scandal”."