Whistleblower protection: What must be done?
You can watch the panel Whistleblowers experiences and reactions with Fabio De Masi at minute 50:59
Prominent whistleblowers, journalists and experts will participate, sharing experiences, recommendations and discussing how whistleblowers could be protected, analysing at the same time all political and legal aspects and how to take this issue forward at a European level. Among others, we expect representatives of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, the Dutch House of Whistleblowers and Transparency International. We expect also to have Julian Assange’s intervention.
Panel: Whistleblowers experiences and reactions
Chair: MEP Fabio de Masi, GUE/NGL, Vice-Chair of the Panama Papers Committee of Inquiry, Germany
- Jose Maria Mollinedo, Secretary-general of GESTHA (Trade Union of technics of the Ministry of Finance)
- Eric Ben Artzi , whistleblower Deutsche Bank (skype intervention)
- Raphaël Halet, whistleblower LuxLeaks
- Rudolph Elmer, whistleblower Julius Baer Bank
- Jonathan Sugarman, whistleblower on Unicredit (Irl) and other mostly foreign banks working out of Ireland