Presseschau: zu den Konjunkturaussichten der EU


Das Magazin des Europaparlaments berichtet über Fabio De Masis Forderung nach massiven öffentlichen Investitionen und fairen Steuern.

Das englischsprachige The Parliament Magazine des EP greift Fabio De Masis Forderungen auf und zitiert ihn ausgiebig:

"Fabio De Masi, a GUE/NGL member of parliament's economic and monetary affairs committee, criticised the commission's economic predictions, noting that this was just one of many occasions that economic forecasts have been revised downwards and that the economy "doesn't obey [the commission's] wishful thinking" [...] Finally, he said, "We don't have a funding problem but a fair taxation problem. Europe needs an EU-wide coordinated wealth levy for millionaires and ECB funding of public investment."