30.10.2020 DIE LINKE Capital Levy. Revenue and the distributional effects A research project by DIW Berlin, commissioned by the DIE LINKE parliamentary group in the Bundestag and the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
13.12.2017 Shady corporate and criminal dealings detailed in new report on ‘Panama Papers’ New publication on dirty money and tax tricks
28.11.2017 Study exposes major loopholes in Commission’s corporate tax proposals A study commissioned by the parliamentary left group in the European Parliament, GUE/NGL, examines the European Commission's proposal of introducing a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) in the EU: ‘Assessing the impact of the C(C)CTB‘
24.10.2016 Free trade fears As progressive MEPs continue to campaign against TTIP and CETA, MEP Fabio De Masi speaks to Portal to outline opposition to the trade deals.
16.08.2016 The EU is destroying Europe Fabio De Masi wrote an article on the future of the EU that was first published in German by the newspaper neues deutschland
18.03.2015 Fabio De Masi EU austerity programmes subsidising 'casino banks' Gastbeitrag von Fabio De Masi in The Parliament Magazine
11.09.2014 Fabio De Masi Commission urged to drop ‘backroom’ TTIP deal Gastbeitrag von Fabio De Masi in The Parliament Magazine