Malta: Death of journalist needs to be investigated without a gap
A press release on the lethal car blast that killed the journalist Daphne Caruna Galizia
Fabio De Masi (DIE LINKE.), Member of the European Parliament, deputy chair of the Committee of Inquiry into Money Laundering, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion (PANA) and coming Member of the Bundestag, comments the lethal car blast that killed the journalist Daphne Caruna Galizia this afternoon in Malta. Daphne Caruna Galizia used to be an interlocutrice to the PANA-Delegations:
“The terrible death of Daphne Caruana Galizia has to be fully clarified and the wire-pullers punished. We cannot tolerate critical journalists being murdered in the middle of the EU. I express my deep compassion to her family and friends.”
"The European Parliament should adequately appreciate the commitment of Mrs Galizia against corruption and money laundering. It is therefore all the more important that the Panama Papers Investigation Committee (PANA), without regard to individuals and political interests, is demanding tough laws against money laundering, tax fraud, corruption and terrorist financing."