Press review: Greece’s reform policy

A press review

Oct 6th, 2016

The online newspaper "New Europe" reported about the reform policy in Greece and the debate about this topic in the European Parliament. Here you can watch the Speech of Fabio De Masi in the ebate about Greece.[1]

New Europe, 06.10.2016

"[...] In a similar vein, German MEP Fabio de Masi called for an immediate end to the destructive policies that have allowed, with impunity, the exploitation of Greek´s national wealth by banks and businesses. “The longer the Troika governs Greece, the longer recession will last. French and German banks have been bailed-out through Greece, not Greek workers.” [...]"

The article "Greece’s reform efforts divides European Parliament"[2] by Beata Stur is available at NEWEUROPE

