Presseschau: Europäischer Fonds für Strategische Investitionen

Apr 22nd, 2015

Im Parliament Magazine wird Fabio De Masis Kritik an der geplanten Europäischen Investitionsoffensive aufgegriffen.

Parliament Magazine, 21.04.2015

" [...] The GUE/NGL group, however, were broadly critical of the EFSI plans, with Fabio De Masi calling them "fundamentally flawed", adding that, "There is ample liquidity in financial markets which could easily be recycled for a true public investment programme with much greater net returns to society."

"The EFSI creates a profit-guarantee scheme for private institutional investors, at the cost of taxpayers. What Europe needs is a 'new deal' of €500bn additional public investment annually over ten years to kick-start the economy and bring an end to the economic and social crisis."

Negotiations with council on the EFSI start on 23 April, with a compromise planned to be up for vote by parliament in June, so as to have the fund operational by mid-2015, in line with the commission's plan. [...] "

Der Artikel "European parliament backs strategic investment fund but rejects raids on funds"[1] von Desmond Hinton-Beales ist online abrufbar.

